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(52 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Allah's book?
https://jujhar.github.io/immortalgurmat/alqurankarim/index.html (warning work in progress is written in highly initial guessing meaning draft rather than concrete confirmed and revised)
It requires we submit our lives and wealth for Allah.
https://jujhar.github.io/immortalgurmat/alqurankarim/index.pa.html - ''Punjabi''
It Rocked the world with the aid of (sardar of farishtia/saint of saints) Gabriel [Possibly a saint from Satjug]
The Quran talks about what is the straight/most upright/best path (teaching of Truth and Balance) and contains the best saints of the world (eg When Gabriel found x at the well)
It causes healing and mercy for the believers, but it only increases the wrongdoers in loss, truly set forth every ˹kind of˺ lesson for humanity in this Quran, yet most people persist in disbelief.
Quran - Composed between 610 to 632 and written in about 635 AD.
The Quran is a reminder of the gifts of Allah to those that fear Allah. It is a hope that disbelievers/folk will shun evil or it may cause them to be mindful.
Allah's book - Requires we submit our lives and wealth for Allah.
It rocked the world with the aid of (saint of saints) Gabriel [Possibly a saint from Satjug]
It is an answer to Children of Israel over what they disagree about and sets right the stories of Prophets whose stories have been degraded.
The Quran talks about what is the straight/most upright/best path (teaching of Truth and Balance) and contains the best saints of the world.
It causes healing and mercy for the believers, but it only increases the wrongdoers in loss, truly set forth every ˹kind of˺ lesson for humanity in this Quran, yet most people persist in disbelief.
The Quran is a reminder of the gifts of Allah to those that fear Allah. It is a hope that disbelievers/folk will shun evil or it may cause them to be mindful. It is an answer to Children of Israel over what they disagree about and sets right the stories of Prophets whose stories have been degraded.
Composed between 0610 to 0632 and written in about 0635
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  Surah at Talaq
  Surah at Talaq
===It's not idol worshippers rather ego worshippers===
Idols fall in the category of moods and secondary things including ego to the Supreme Almighty however Idols include gemstones, videos, statues, wealth that can sometimes contain sargun roop (almighty divine blessings form) if sargun is there they are fine, if no sargun than it is a egotistic practice or item then should be avoided.
===Judgement day is current state of heavenly access and peace accumalted for current moment (one moment from the next can differ greatly based on judgement day affecting actions) ===
===Kafir in Islamic Illahi terms would be an unbeliever any believer is not a kafron ===
The word unbeliever should be used in place of infidel. One who divides people is a kafir.
Line 33: Line 44:
===[[ਅਲ-ਅੜਾਫ]] - ''7'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਅੜਾਫ]] - ''7'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਅਣਫਾਲ]] - ''8'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਅਣਫਾਲ]] - ''8'' x===
===[[ਅਤ-ਤਬ੍ਹਾ]] - ''9'' ===
===[[ਅਤ-ਤਬ੍ਹਾ]] - ''9'' ===
Line 41: Line 52:
===[[ਇਬਰਾਹੀਮ]] - ''13'' ===
===[[ਇਬਰਾਹੀਮ]] - ''13'' ===
===[[ਹਾਏਜ਼ਰ]] - ''15'' ===
===[[ਹਾਏਜ਼ਰ]] - ''15'' ===
===[[ਅਣ-ਨ੍ਹਾਲ]] - ''16'' ===
===❇️ [[ਅਣ-ਨ੍ਹਾਲ]] - ''16'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਇਸਰ੍ਹਾ]] - ''17'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਇਸਰ੍ਹਾ]] - ''17'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਕਾਫ]] - ''18'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਕਾਫ]] - ''18'' ===
Line 83: Line 95:
===[[ਅਜ਼-ਜ਼ਾਰੀਆਤ]] - ''51'' ===
===[[ਅਜ਼-ਜ਼ਾਰੀਆਤ]] - ''51'' ===
===[[ਅਤ-ਤੂਰ]] - ''52'' ===
===[[ਅਤ-ਤੂਰ]] - ''52'' ===
===[[ਅਣ-ਨਾਜ਼ਮ]] - ''53'' ===
===[https://jujhar.github.io/immortalgurmat/alqurankarim/%E0%A8%85%E0%A8%A3-%E0%A8%A8%E0%A8%BE%E0%A8%9C%E0%A8%BC%E0%A8%AE.html ਅਣ-ਨਾਜ਼ਮ] - ''53'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਖਾਮਿਰ]] - ''54'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਖਾਮਿਰ]] - ''54'' ===
===[[ਅਰ-ਰ੍ਹਾਮਾਨ]] - ''55'' ===
===[[ਅਰ-ਰ੍ਹਾਮਾਨ]] - ''55'' ===
Line 97: Line 110:
===[[ਅਤ-ਤਾਲਾਕ]] - ''65'' ===
===[[ਅਤ-ਤਾਲਾਕ]] - ''65'' ===
===[[ਅਤ-ਤਹਿਰੀਮ]] - ''66'' ===
===[[ਅਤ-ਤਹਿਰੀਮ]] - ''66'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਮੁਲਿਕ]] - ''67'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਕਲਮ]] - ''68'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਹੱਆਕਾ]] - ''69'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਮਾਰਜ]] - ''70'' ===
===[[ਨ੍ਹੋ]] - ''71'' ===
===❇️ [[ਅਲ-ਜਿਣ]] - ''72'' ✅ ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਕਲਮ]] - ''68'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਮੁ਼ਜ਼ਾਮਿਲ]] - ''73'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਜਿਣ]] - ''72'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਮੁਦਾਸਿਰ]] - ''74'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਕਿਯਾਮਿਲ]] - ''75'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਇਨਸਾਨ]] - ''76'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਮੋਰਸਾਲਾਤ]] - ''77'' ===
===[[ਅਣ-ਨਾਭਾ]] - ''78'' ===
===[[ਅਣ-ਨਾਭਾ]] - ''78'' ===
===[[ਅਣ-ਨਾਜ਼ੀਆਤ]] - ''79'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਅਬਾਸਾ]] - ''80'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਤੁਕਵੀਰ]] - ''81'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਇਨਫਤਾਰ]] - ''82'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਮੁਤਾਫੀਨ]] - ''83'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਇਨਸ਼ਾਕਾਕ]] - ''84'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਬੁਰੌਜ]] - ''85'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਬੁਰੌਜ]] - ''85'' ===
===[[ਅਤ-ਤਾਰਿਕ]] - ''86'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਅ੍ਹਲਾ]] - ''87'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਗ਼ਾਸ਼ੀਆ]] - ''88'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਫਾਜਿਰ]] - ''89'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਬਾਲਿਤ]] - ''90'' ===
===[[ਅਸ਼-ਸ਼ਾਮਸ]] - ''91'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਲੇਲੀ]] - ''92'' ===
===[[ਅਦ-ਦੂਹਾ]] - ''93'' ===
===[[ਅਸ਼-ਸ਼ੂਰਾ]] - ''94'' ===
===[[ਅਤ-ਤੀਣ]] - ''95'' ===
===[[ਅਤ-ਤੀਣ]] - ''95'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਅਲੱਕ]] - ''96'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਖਾਦਿਰ]] - ''97'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਬਾਈਣਾ]] - ''98'' ===
===[[ਅਜ਼-ਜ਼ਲਜ਼੍ਹਾਲਾ]] - 99 ===
===[[ਅਜ਼-ਜ਼ਲਜ਼੍ਹਾਲਾ]] - 99 ===
===❇️ [[ਅਲ-ਅਡੀਆਤ]] - 100 ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਕਾਰੀਆ]] - 101 ===
===[[ਅਤ-ਤਾਕਾਥਿਰ]] - 102 ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਆਸਰ]] - 103 ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਹੁਮਾਜ਼ਾ]] - 104 ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਫੀਲ]] - ''105'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਫੀਲ]] - ''105'' ===
===[[ਕੁਰੇਸ਼]] - ''106'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਮਾਰੂਨ]] - ''107'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਕੌਥਿਰ]] - ''108'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਕਾਫੀਰੂਨ]] - ''109'' ===
===[[ਅਣ-ਨਾਸਿਰ]] - ''110'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਮਾਸਿਦ]] - ''111'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਇੱਖ਼ਲਾਸ]] - ''112'' ===
===[[ਅਲ-ਫਾਲਿਕ]] - ''113'' ===
===[https://jujhar.github.io/immortalgurmat/alqurankarim/%E0%A8%85%E0%A8%A3-%E0%A8%A8%E0%A8%BE%E0%A8%B8.html ਅਣ-ਨਾਸ] - ''114'' ===

Latest revision as of 14:53, 11 December 2023

https://jujhar.github.io/immortalgurmat/alqurankarim/index.html (warning work in progress is written in highly initial guessing meaning draft rather than concrete confirmed and revised)

https://jujhar.github.io/immortalgurmat/alqurankarim/index.pa.html - Punjabi

Quran - Composed between 610 to 632 and written in about 635 AD.

Allah's book - Requires we submit our lives and wealth for Allah.

It rocked the world with the aid of (saint of saints) Gabriel [Possibly a saint from Satjug]

The Quran talks about what is the straight/most upright/best path (teaching of Truth and Balance) and contains the best saints of the world.

It causes healing and mercy for the believers, but it only increases the wrongdoers in loss, truly set forth every ˹kind of˺ lesson for humanity in this Quran, yet most people persist in disbelief. The Quran is a reminder of the gifts of Allah to those that fear Allah. It is a hope that disbelievers/folk will shun evil or it may cause them to be mindful. It is an answer to Children of Israel over what they disagree about and sets right the stories of Prophets whose stories have been degraded.



The Quran alerts you of blessings and gives warning.

˹and sent˺ a messenger reciting to you Allah’s revelations, making things clear so that He may bring those who believe and do good out of darkness and into light. And whoever believes in Allah and does good will be admitted by Him into Gardens under which rivers flow, to stay there for ever and ever. Allah will have indeed granted them an excellent provision.

Surah at Talaq


It's not idol worshippers rather ego worshippers

Idols fall in the category of moods and secondary things including ego to the Supreme Almighty however Idols include gemstones, videos, statues, wealth that can sometimes contain sargun roop (almighty divine blessings form) if sargun is there they are fine, if no sargun than it is a egotistic practice or item then should be avoided.

Judgement day is current state of heavenly access and peace accumalted for current moment (one moment from the next can differ greatly based on judgement day affecting actions)

Kafir in Islamic Illahi terms would be an unbeliever any believer is not a kafron

The word unbeliever should be used in place of infidel. One who divides people is a kafir.


ਅਲ-ਫ਼ਤਿਹਾ - 1

ਅਲ-ਬੱਕਰਾ - 2

ਅਲੀ-ਇਮਰਾਨ - 3

ਅਨ-ਨਿਸਾ - 4

ਅਲ-ਮੈਇਦਾ - 5

ਅਲ-ਅਣ-ਆਮ - 6

ਅਲ-ਅੜਾਫ - 7

ਅਲ-ਅਣਫਾਲ - 8 x

ਅਤ-ਤਬ੍ਹਾ - 9

ਯੋਨਿਸ - 10

ਹੂਡ - 11

ਅਲ-ਅਰਾਦ - 12

ਇਬਰਾਹੀਮ - 13

ਹਾਏਜ਼ਰ - 15

❇️ ਅਣ-ਨ੍ਹਾਲ - 16

ਅਲ-ਇਸਰ੍ਹਾ - 17

ਅਲ-ਕਾਫ - 18

ਮਰਿਯੁਮ - 19

ਤਾਹਾ - 20

ਅਲ-ਅਣਬੀਆ - 21

ਅਲ-ਹਾਜ - 22

ਅਲ-ਮੋਮਿਣਮੋਨ - 23

ਅਣ-ਨੋਰ - 24

ਅਲ-ਫੁਰਖ਼ਾਨ - 25

ਅਸ-ਸ਼ੂਸ਼੍ਹਾਰਾ - 26

ਅਲ-ਨਿਮਲਾ - 27

ਅਲ-ਖਸਿਸ - 28

ਅਲ-ਅਣਕਾਬੂਟ - 29

ਅਰ-ਰੋਮ - 30

ਲੁਕਮਾਨ - 31

ਅਸ-ਸਿਜਦਾ - 32

ਅਲ-ਅਹਜ਼ਾਬ - 33

ਸਾਬਾ - 34

ਫਾਤਿਰ - 35

ਯਾ-ਸੀਨ - 36

ਅਸ-ਸਾਫਾਤ - 37

ਸਹਾਦ - 38

ਅਜ਼-ਜ਼ੋਮਰ - 39

ਗ਼ਾਫਿਰ - 40

ਫੂਸਲਿਤ - 41

ਅਸ-ਛੂਰਾ - 42

ਅਜ਼-ਜ਼ੁਖਰਫ - 43

ਅਦ-ਦੁਹਾਨ - 44

ਅਲ-ਜਾਹਤਿਯਾ - 45

ਅਲ-ਅਹੱਕ - 46

ਮਹੰਮਦ - 47

ਅਲ-ਫਾਤ੍ਹ - 48

ਅਲ-ਹੁਜ਼ੋਰਾਤ - 49

ਕਾਫ - 50

ਅਜ਼-ਜ਼ਾਰੀਆਤ - 51

ਅਤ-ਤੂਰ - 52

ਅਣ-ਨਾਜ਼ਮ - 53

ਅਲ-ਖਾਮਿਰ - 54

ਅਰ-ਰ੍ਹਾਮਾਨ - 55

ਅਲ-ਵਾਕੇਯਾ - 56

ਅਲ-ਹਾਡੀਡ - 57

ਅਲ-ਮੁਜਾਦਿਲਾ - 58

ਅਲ-ਹਾਸ਼ਿਰ - 59

ਅਲ-ਮੁਮਤਹਿਨਾ - 60

ਅਸ-ਸਫੱ - 61

ਅਲ-ਜੁਮਹਾ - 62

ਅਲ-ਮੁਨਖੇਣਆ - 63

ਅਤ-ਤਾਘ਼ਬਨ - 64

ਅਤ-ਤਾਲਾਕ - 65

ਅਤ-ਤਹਿਰੀਮ - 66

ਅਲ-ਮੁਲਿਕ - 67

ਅਲ-ਕਲਮ - 68

ਅਲ-ਹੱਆਕਾ - 69

ਅਲ-ਮਾਰਜ - 70

ਨ੍ਹੋ - 71

❇️ ਅਲ-ਜਿਣ - 72

ਅਲ-ਮੁ਼ਜ਼ਾਮਿਲ - 73

ਅਲ-ਮੁਦਾਸਿਰ - 74

ਅਲ-ਕਿਯਾਮਿਲ - 75

ਅਲ-ਇਨਸਾਨ - 76

ਅਲ-ਮੋਰਸਾਲਾਤ - 77

ਅਣ-ਨਾਭਾ - 78

ਅਣ-ਨਾਜ਼ੀਆਤ - 79

ਅਲ-ਅਬਾਸਾ - 80

ਅਲ-ਤੁਕਵੀਰ - 81

ਅਲ-ਇਨਫਤਾਰ - 82

ਅਲ-ਮੁਤਾਫੀਨ - 83

ਅਲ-ਇਨਸ਼ਾਕਾਕ - 84

ਅਲ-ਬੁਰੌਜ - 85

ਅਤ-ਤਾਰਿਕ - 86

ਅਲ-ਅ੍ਹਲਾ - 87

ਅਲ-ਗ਼ਾਸ਼ੀਆ - 88

ਅਲ-ਫਾਜਿਰ - 89

ਅਲ-ਬਾਲਿਤ - 90

ਅਸ਼-ਸ਼ਾਮਸ - 91

ਅਲ-ਲੇਲੀ - 92

ਅਦ-ਦੂਹਾ - 93

ਅਸ਼-ਸ਼ੂਰਾ - 94

ਅਤ-ਤੀਣ - 95

ਅਲ-ਅਲੱਕ - 96

ਅਲ-ਖਾਦਿਰ - 97

ਅਲ-ਬਾਈਣਾ - 98

ਅਜ਼-ਜ਼ਲਜ਼੍ਹਾਲਾ - 99

❇️ ਅਲ-ਅਡੀਆਤ - 100

ਅਲ-ਕਾਰੀਆ - 101

ਅਤ-ਤਾਕਾਥਿਰ - 102

ਅਲ-ਆਸਰ - 103

ਅਲ-ਹੁਮਾਜ਼ਾ - 104

ਅਲ-ਫੀਲ - 105

ਕੁਰੇਸ਼ - 106

ਅਲ-ਮਾਰੂਨ - 107

ਅਲ-ਕੌਥਿਰ - 108

ਅਲ-ਕਾਫੀਰੂਨ - 109

ਅਣ-ਨਾਸਿਰ - 110

ਅਲ-ਮਾਸਿਦ - 111

ਅਲ-ਇੱਖ਼ਲਾਸ - 112

ਅਲ-ਫਾਲਿਕ - 113

ਅਣ-ਨਾਸ - 114