The Day is beautiful so be gracious and appreciative of it.
and by the day as it displays the sun's glory,
3 / The sun is glorious 📿
Earliest part during morning before sun goes to it's zenith - the busiest part of the day.
and by the sky / or heavens and by Him Who made it;
and by the earth and by Him Who stretched it out;
and by the soul and by Him Who perfectly proportioned it,
and imbued it with (the consciousness of) its evil and its piety:
Successful indeed is the one who purifies their soul,
and doomed is the one who corrupts it!
9 / Purify yourself completely and distance yourself from sin
The most prime soul (out of three types of Nafs) is the one satisfied with content with life and only enjoys righteously God's gifts
/ has appropriate manners / lives fully righteously / is patiently content to be without desires / luxaries physically (but get's them in the hereafter / heavenly realms)
Seeking praise from others is a disease of the heart, just get praise from Parabrahma instead.
Not speaking out against sin is also a sin.
Be brave and courageous but not when close to sin - at that time be humble.
He has no fear of its sequel / consequences.
15 / Alha can do massive damage.