
From immortal gurmat
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Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High

1 / [Make his praise more wise spread / love Him more]

Who created all things and fashioned them in good proportion;

Who determined and guided them,

Who brought forth the pasture,

and then made it into a blackish straw

2 / Allah created everything.

So render good counsel if good counsel will avail.

He who fears (Allah) shall heed it,

but the wretched will turn away from it.

10 / Try to set up the teachings / maryada /etc.

He who purified himself shall prosper,

remembering his Lord's name and praying.

14 / The guide forward is to purify yourself first.

No; but you prefer the present life,

whereas the Hereafter is better and more enduring.

16 / [Worldly life is lame]
