Operation Blue Star

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After Sant Jarnail Singh ji told the people of Punjab to not pay their taxes in protest of the ridiculously cheap prices for farmers harvest the Indian government ordered the attack on Harimandir Sahib. Chemical weapons, thousands of soldiers, helicopters, tanks, curfew, media blackout and electrical blackout were employed. The Indian casualties according to the wife of Bhai Amrik Singh's and others where 100,000s for the Indian soldiers. There were about 400-500 Sikh Kharku (defenders) defending Harimander Sahib. The Indian army took many days to invade and there was a high amount of civilian causalities and civilian mistreatment by the Indian army who locked down the place allowing civilians to enter but not leave. The attack also coincided with Operation Woodrose in which around 40-50 major Sikh gurdwaras across Punjab were also attacked in a similar manner.


The attack was lead by General Vidiya after the original General stepped downing saying he would not do such an attack.


There are reports the years before the attack the Indian army setup a Harimandir Sahib replica to practice the attack. The Indian government got aid from the British government for advice on how to attack they pleaded the government to not allow the public to know of their help or their would be an outcry in which their involvement only came years later. Reports of Israel involvement also come up and they are said to have provided weapons and artillery[1]

The Indian government began compounding and surrounding the place very early on, months before. A day or so before the attack the Indian government sent out a diplomat to make peace with the Sikh leadership after very long talks the diplomat was satisfied and thought he had came up with a solution to peace eager to return and tell Indira of the news he quickly traveled back however when he reached he learned that Indira already sent the order to attack.

June 1 1984 - June 6 1984

After a shorter initial firing there was a day or two break in which the Sikhs were successful in holding ground. The Sikhs thought they had achieved Khalistan or some sort of news would come but the newspapers were void of the event.

After the attack

The Indian army quickly cleaned up with paint and removed their dead soldiers. A few days later they allowed helpers to clear out the dead bodies of the Sikhs. According to the maintainers of the Sikh reference library, the Indian forces took and emptied out the items of the library and museum including Baba Deep Singh ji's gold embodied saroop of SGGS ji.


Vidiya and Indira Gandhi were murdered by the Sikhs.

Because of the mistreatment of tobacco such as starving the Sikhs and not offering them only tobacco water Indian award winners such as Bhagat Puran Singh Pinglaware returned back their medals/ or did not accept them.

  1. the Gallant Defender