Bhagat Kabir Ji
Bhagat Kabir Ji | |
Born | 1398? Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India |
Died | 1518? Maghar, Uttar Pardesh |
Predecessor | Bhagat Ramanand (His Guru) |
Gurmat - Beyond Heavens Mindstate |
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Bhagat Kabir ji prevails everywhere all things are singing his glory.
Bad people try to hurt saintly men and women but their attempts go to vain and in the opposite the saints benefit. SG Tegh Bahadur Patshah was beheaded and the people of this world were in pain however seeing the sacrifice the demigods and heavens were rejoicing.
- 1 Strories from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji
- 2 Sri Kabir ji's bani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji
- 3 See more
- 4 Bhagats in general
Strories from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji
Elephant is ordered to murder Bhagat ji and stomp him out but instead the elephant get's beat for bowing to him insead.
Sri Kabir ji's bani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji
Themes: Death - Mother thinks child is getting older and older rather getting younger and younger (days going by) • World in absorbed in wrong Maya ways under guise of death • Jap (discover) that saint that is ਰਮਈਆ (absorbed in God)
Gauri 73 composition divisions (Bawan Akhri, Thiti, Satvar)
Asa 37
Gujri 2
Sorath 11
Themes: The body is going to be dissolved or if not eaten by worms why are you puffed puffed up with pride? There are thousands of ways to interpret the vedas and purans entangled in many things you men have forgot to bhaj (meditate on) Ragapth Raja (lord), your one true job • You must let bhakti (with ek ras) and gyan enter your mind truly with love. • Doing bhakti with love one is Khalsa. This shabad was Wak (hukamnama) that was taken to give name to Khalsa panth by Gobind Singh.
Themes: Jap nam and everything will be taken care of.¹ • Living in Maghar (UP) as opposed to Banaras • Be ਸਨੇਹੀ ( beloved, lovable, lover, paramour, friend, supporter) of Ram.
1 - Bhagat ji says sons daughters wife Lakshmi/wealth Maya who has obtained lasting peace from these? These will not be yours when death time comes so abandon useless things, abandon karma (excessive plans), about do's and dont's.
Tilang 1
Suhi 5
Bilawal 12
Gaund 11
Ramkali 12
Maru 12
Kedara 6
Bhairon 18
Basant 8
Sarang 3
Themes: Context Kabir addressing large crowd in kashi • Being in leen with lord: (and going beyond body pride) you get anand, Lasting Dukh is where Rub roop is not pargat (present), there is no ignorance there and there is no fear of death and rebirth there. •To keep this state (and sehaj) keep the understanding everything is happening in raza (divine command) (keep in mind from not fearing via I need nothing else, I need no praises)
Themes: Context Bhramin and Malawa come to question Kabir asking him to do either go to Masjid or call yourself a Hindu. • Do mehar (mercy/blessings) on me Sahi (master) • Look for god in the hearts of people (it is where love and God) • All men and women are forms belong to the Lord • I am son of Allah and Ram all Guru's and Pirs are mine. • Be under the sanctuary of one and only and jap (contemplate/discover) God's Nam as your aim. (Audio around 4:39)
Themes: Context lots of Qazi gathered around Kabir Sahib asking if the Muslim way or which way is to God. • God is within his creation fully. (Audio: 15:09)
Themes: Vedas and Bibles (and older Bibles/Torah) are true. • Don't kill chickens / Don't eat meat. • Don't have hatred in yourself/or heart is not pure if your going to do vudu (adulations)
Themes: Satguru Kabir gets divine talks about samadhi.
Alt index
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 91 to 92
Bhagat Kabir, Guru Arjan Dev, pg. 323 to 330
Bhagat Kabir, Ashtpadi (Octet), pg. 330 to 340
Bhagat Kabir, Bawan Akkhari (Acrostic), pg. 340 to 343
Bhagat Kabir, Thiteen (Lunar Dates of Fortnight), pg. 343 to 344
Bhagat Kabir, Var - Seven Days of the Week, pg. 344 to 345
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 475 to 485
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 524
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 654 to 656 (Sorath)
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 691 to 692 (Dhanashri) GDRE 212
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 727
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 792 to 793
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 855 to 858
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 870 to 873
Guru Amar Das, Bhagat Kabir, Guru Nanak Dev, Guru Angad Dev, Ramkali Ki Var, pg. 947 to 956
Guru Arjan Dev, Bhagat Kabir, Sheikh Farid, Ramkali Ki Var, pg. 957 to 966
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 1102 to 1106
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 1123 to 1124
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 1157 to 1162 (ਭੈਰਉ) GDRE 306
Bhagat Kabir, Ashtpadi (Octet), pg. 1162 to 1163
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 1193 to 1195
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 1196
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 1251 to 1252
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 1253
Bhagat Kabir, pg. 1349 to 1350 (Prabhati) GDRE 361
Bhagat Kabir, Guru Arjan Dev, Guru Amar Das, pg. 1364 to 1377
See more
Within Gurbani
Further reading
Bhagats in general
Means spiritual person. Literally one who is imbued in the feet. Term associated with the Bhagats contained in the SGGS ji.
Also means Bhramgyani
Bhagats mentioned in SGGS ji
- Dhru
- Raja Janak
- Raja Ram Chandar ji
- Shri Guru Krishan Maharaj
- Guru Gorakh Nath
Bhagats whose shabads are in SGGS ji
- Baba Sheikh Farid ji
- Bhagat Kabir ji
- Bhagat Ramanand ji
- Bhagat Parmanand ji
- Bhagat Trilochan
- Bhagat Jaidev ji
- Bhagat Namdev ji
- Bhagat Ravidas ji
- Bhagat Trilochan ji
- Bhagat Dhanna ji
- Bhagat Sadhana ji
- Bhagat Beni ji
- Bhagat Pipa ji
- Bhagat Sain J
- Bhagat Bhikhan ji
- Bhagat Surdas ji