Nanak Prakash
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's history written by Kavi Santokh Singh.
Listening to it's katha gets rid of pains.[35]
Entire thing is written in Uttarayanᵃ??
First half
Going to get the rebab phenomenon
Putting guru in your mind puts you in a raag. 1 Remember Guru everyday. Do so by cutting all distractions. 3
Converste with God? Shiv and Ganga??
Bibi Nanaki assures Mardana and offers him all her help and food??
Play everyday??
Various asna??
Now dukh is gone you can bring peace (or other qualities through music etc)??
Do karaj with adaar (reverence)
Dukh is nothing, go you own way??
Going to Sangla deep
The one Sikh practicing weird maryada to others in Raja Shiv Naths obedient alaka, who all follow fast together, tells Ik sama vena kam krodh for a sant as opposed to a fast on kalisi (faster way to bhaghati)¹
Chra Kamal Mangal Gyan Updesh Tulsi [Das??]
Definition of Sunmukh by AkaliFauj96crori
Last half
Raja Sudhar Sain
If lot's of food find more saint people to distribute to.
Convince hungari people that doing right thing will benefit you??
Guru ji made one person (Chanda) the Raja and made people pay aliegnince or accept him as authority.
Guru ji taught people to wake up early and bath and do nam simran do kirt and than dhan.