
From immortal gurmat
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Stoicism is an ancient Greek philosophy developed after Sikandars (Alexander the great) conquests


Similarities with Sikhism

The techniques and practice they teach align with Gurmat, i.e. how to capture mind and ego and accepting will and even theology such as logos.

It also shares many doctrines with Sikhism.

  • You can conquer the realm (this world) when you conquer the mind.
  • Men and women are equals; respect for woman.
  • Required that you be a respectful man your word.
  • The stoics serene and confident in the face of anything you can throw at them.
  • Accepting of different traditions as true. (Takes a mix of different truths)
  • Temple for worship of all gods; Temple open for all religions.
  • Stoics were persecuted.
  • Taught against slavery.

Unlike Sikhism some stoicism often don't believe in heaven or hell, which Gurmat acknowledges to be true but not a ideal end goal. (Which is typically to merge with God or be with the Guru for some.)


Be open to saying no to things you or your mind don't actually want to do. (That you don't want to do both now and in the long run i.e. if they are not beneficial)