Japji sahib
The first composition of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji
According to Bhai Harbans Singh ji the pauris was written by Satguru Nanak at different times and then compiled together.
According to the Khalsa: translations of Gurbani should not be read.
Word by word vocabulary could be learnt so you can put together the sentences by yourself.
You can learn also by reading teekas which are commentaries on lines rather than translations.
Mool Mantra
1 Sucha such na hovai
Soch, pureness; you cannot be come pure if you try 1 lakh times
You cannot loose your hunger even if you had a ton of food with you.
If you had 1 lakh smart ways of doing things and smart techniques none will go with you in the end.
So how can one get rid of falseness. By following hukam, the divine commandment, the natural way of things, the unchangeable prememt.
Hukam: the way things seems to be going.
Even if you cheat hukam the next moment it will catch up to you and correct.
2 Gavaan ko tan hovie kisa taan
This pauri seems to be praising God. 'Gavaan ko tan hovie kisa taan',
There must be something imminent somewhere if His praises are being sung.
If you got something you know it's worth celebrate its qualities
Celebrate vidhia knowledge and its help
Celebrate the instruments and tools
Doing so you so the path ahead.
Doing so you see God inside.