
ੴ (Tribute to the clan of the one and all.)

Keep your hair wet / little wet/ not dry at least half the day

if you can chew for 40 times your food will dispear
very super healthy for food

4 rules of sugar
  • Eat how much you deserve based on how much good deeds you did.
    Treat sugar and food different. Food for energy in future. Sugar for mental stress of learning deep concepts.
    Let it ride out after for an hour, 4 hours, or 3 days depending on how much you eat.

  • Drink water between.

  • Eat non sugary non fruit food between.

  • Try jaggery ਗੁੜ / ਰੇਵੜੀਆਂ + brown sugar instead of white sugar.

A good morning exercise
pound on your stomach with your fists slow to fast you can go as fast as you like
as well as swishing your stomach around like your moving he bellybutton from left to right but you yourself are still
except your arms and stomacheye one love.

Be careful when dealing with Nanochips, Nanotechnology, Nanotubes, such as maybe iside your phone or computer
because nano particles could go into skin touching it and also possibly be inhaled in as well, though nanotech is
being improved to make these less toxic
by having those affected cells to die much before 48 hours

Global public health information network


Easy cures

Lower back pain

build up of bad energy.. dont think bad about good people..
take cold bath for relief (panj ishnan are enough)

Child care

Child care


Seki City - Sword’s and blades city



Bad writing (My old stuff probably should delete)

Food guide post(

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