Politics is a tool to stop the bad guys. It can be used to implement changes.
If something is boring it may have been done purposely to keep people out. both with bureaucracies and corporations. On the other hand wimplicity in communication is key when negotiating.
Pressure Groups
Good colab method to get to points is to ask the public to pick the topics discussed in the speech at the beginning of speech.
Inform people that have been affected by corruption what
they could have recieved. Keep reporting corruption, maybe more granular the better.
I advise very harsh extreme penalties for politicains and leaders how found doing corruption even by accident. (Some trail me be then done if it was a mistake or leader can change)
Transperancy International (global anti corruption group)
You should be able to access someones capable of corruption company’s record (their transactions)
Hold leaders and police chiefs accountable for their minions, do checks on leaders in times of peace and prosperity
Transparency of organisations is key.
Civil maintenance
If sountries is strviing econnomically and doing well it has less chances of going into civil war.